Friday, June 22, 2012

A Guide On Different Types of Basic Electronics Components

An electronic device or appliance is composed of different parts known as electronic components. These basic electronics components are assembled together using a circuit diagram to create a device, tool or appliance. A computer's CPU is made up of basic electronics components that are connected with one another. It all begins with a circuit board or mother board (CPUs) that holds all the components together. An electronic circuit has a purpose to fulfill inside a device. For example, radios typically have amplifiers to increase volume.

There are two major types of basic electronic components. There is passive as well as active components. Here is a more distinct description of the two categories:

* Passive components are ones that do not provide net energy into the circuit they are connected with. It is also improbable for such to depend upon a power source except for the AC circuit that is attached to them. Eventually, they can not amplify (increase the power of a signal), although they may well increase a voltage or current that can be done by a transformer or a resonant circuit. Two-terminal components like resistors, capacitors, inductors, and most types of diodes are classified as passive components.

* Active components mainly depend on an energy source coming from a DC source; also, they can inject power into a circuit although this is not their main function. This includes amplifying components such as transistors, triodes, vacuum tubes(valves), and tunnel diodes. One of the most basic electronic components that solid state electronics can't do without are resistors.

Usually, there are three main parameters for resistors, yet solid state electronics would only need two parameters in many cases.

* Resistance - the value of resistance, measured in Ohms.

* Power - The amount of power the resistor can safely handle. Too much power will cause the resistor to overheat and fail.

* Voltage - This is not commonly indicated but it shows the maximum voltage across a resistor. It is a measure of the maximum voltage that may appear. If you have a background in basic electronics, as well as basic electronic components, you can use your skill in practical applications like building your own radio.

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